Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Crosby Our New Puppy!!

Happier times are here again for the Smiths! Our new addition is here. Crosby, our new golden retriever puppy, was brought home two weeks ago and we are having an absolute ball with him. We have enjoyed watching him explore his new world where everything is brand new. He makes us laugh every day just watching him chase butterflies, leaves, slipping in the mud and down the stairs. We have noticed that he LOVES to chew and LOVES rocks. We are all still getting to know each other, but are loving every minute we can snuggle and love him. He is going to make a wonderful friend for all of us.


Megan said...

Aww...welcome home Crosby!! He is adorable. Hope you all have a wonderful summer together. :)

OK Jonckowski said...

Looks like a champion!